


●本人授权平安集团,除法律另有规定之外,将本人提供给平安集团的信息、享受 平安集团服务产生的信息(包括本用户协议签署之前提供和产生的信息)以及平安集 团根据本条约定查询、收集的信息,用于平安集团及其因服务必要委托的合作伙伴为 本人提供服务、推荐产品、开展市场调查与信息数据分析。
●本人授权平安集团,除法律另有规定之外,基于为本人提供更优质服务和产品的 目的,向平安集团因服务必要开展合作的伙伴提供、查询、收集本人的信息。
●为确保本人信息的安全,平安集团及其合作伙伴对上述信息负有保密义务,并采 取各种措施保证信息安全。
●本条款自本协议签署时生效,具有独立法律效力,不受合同成立与否及效力状态 变化的影响。
●本条所称“平安集团”是指中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司及其直接或间接控 股的公司,以及中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司直接或间接作为其单一最大股东 的公司。


1、 本客户端的各项电子服务的所有权和运作权归平安健康所有。用户同意所有注册协议条款并完成注册程序,才能成为本客户端的正式用户。用户确认:本协议条款是处理双方权利义务的契约,始终有效,法律另有强制性规定或双方另有特别约定的,依其规定。
2、 用户点击同意本协议的,即视为用户确认自己具有享受本客户端服务、下单购买等相应的权利能力和行为能力,能够独立承担法律责任。
3、 如果您在18周岁以下,您只能在父母或监护人的监护参与下才能使用本客户端。
4、 平安健康保留在中华人民共和国大陆地区法施行之法律允许的范围内独自决定拒绝服务、关闭用户账户、清除或编辑内容或取消订单的权利。


平安健康的客户端服务是按照现有技术和条件所能达到的现状提供的。平安健康会尽最大 努力为用户提供服务,确保服务的连贯性和安全性;但平安健康不能随时预见和防范法律、技术以及其他风险,包括但不限于不可抗力、病毒、木马、黑客攻击、系统不稳定、第三 方服务瑕疵、政府行为等原因可能导致的服务中断、数据丢失以及其他的损失和风险。


1、 上网设备,包括并不限于电脑或者其他上网终端、调制解调器及其他必备的上网装置;
2、 上网开支,包括并不限于网络接入费、上网设备租用费、手机流量费等。


1、 不得传输或发表:煽动抗拒、破坏宪法和法律、行政法规实施的言论,煽动颠覆国家政权,推翻社会主义制度的言论,煽动分裂国家、破坏国家统一的的言论,煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视、破坏民族团结的言论;
2、 从中国大陆向境外传输资料信息时必须符合中国有关法规;
3、 不得利用本客户端从事洗钱、窃取商业秘密、窃取个人信息等违法犯罪活动;
4、 不得干扰本客户端的正常运转,不得侵入本客户端及国家计算机信息系统;
5、 不得传输或发表任何违法犯罪的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、伤害性的、庸俗的、淫秽的、不文明的等信息资料;
6、 不得传输或发表损害国家社会公共利益和涉及国家安全的信息资料或言论;
7、 不得教唆他人从事本条所禁止的行为;
8、 不得发布任何侵犯他人著作权、商标权等知识产权或合法权利的内容;用户应关注并遵守本客户端不时公布或修改的各类合法规则规定。本客户端保有删除各类不符合法律政策或不真实的信息内容而无须通知用户的权利。若用户未遵守以上规定的,本客户端有权作出独立判断并采取暂停或关闭用户帐号等措施。用户须对自己在网上的言论和行为承担法律责任。


1、 用户一旦接受本协议,即表明该用户主动将其在任何时间段在本客户端发表的任何形式的信息内容(包括但不限于客户评价、客户咨询、各类话题文章等信息内容)的财产性权利等任何可转让的权利,如著作权财产权(包括并不限于:复制权、发行权、出租权、展览权、表演权、放映权、广播权、信息网络传播权、摄制权、改编权、翻译权、汇编权以及应当由著作权人享有的其他可转让权利),全部独家且不可撤销地转让给平安健康所有,用户同意平安健康有权就任何主体侵权而单独提起诉讼。
2、 本协议已经构成《中华人民共和国著作权法》第二十五条(条文序号依照2011年版著作权法确定)及相关法律规定的著作财产权等权利转让书面协议,其效力及于用户在平安健康保险客户端上发布的任何受著作权法保护的作品内容,无论该等内容形成于本协议订立前还是本协议订立后。
3、 用户同意并已充分了解本协议的条款,承诺不将已发表于本客户端的信息,以任何形式发布或授权其它主体以任何方式使用(包括但限于在各类网站、媒体上使用)。
4、 平安健康是本客户端的制作者,拥有此客户端内容及资源的著作权等合法权利,受国家法律保护,有权不时地对本协议及本客户端的内容进行修改,并在本客户端张贴,无须另行通知用户。在法律允许的最大限度范围内,平安健康对本协议及本客户端内容拥有解释权。
5、 除法律另有强制性规定外,未经平安健康明确的特别书面许可,任何单位或个人不得以任何方式非法地全部或部分复制、转载、引用、链接、抓取或以其他方式使用本客户端的信息内容,否则,平安健康有权追究其法律责任。
6、 本客户端所刊登的资料信息(诸如文字、图表、标识、按钮图标、图像、声音文件片段、数字下载、数据编辑和软件),均是平安健康或其内容提供者的财产,受中国和国际版权法的保护。本客户端上所有内容的汇编是平安健康的排他财产,受中国和国际版权法的保护。本客户端上所有软件都是平安健康或其关联公司或其软件供应商的财产,受中国和国际版权法的保护。










1、 平安健康保险客户端所有者是指在政府部门依法许可或备案的平安健康经营主体。
2、 平安健康尊重用户和消费者的合法权利,本协议及本客户端上发布的各类规则、声明等其他内容,均是为了更好的、更加便利的为用户和消费者提供服务。本客户端欢迎用户和社会各界提出意见和建议,平安健康将虚心接受并适时修改本协议及本客户端的各类规则。
3、 本协议内容中以黑体、加粗、下划线、斜体等方式显著标识的条款,请用户着重阅读。
4、 您注册使用本客户端即视为您完全接受本协议,在点击之前请您再次确认已知悉并完全理解本协议的全部内容。

I. Scope of the Agreement

· This Agreement is between you and Ping An Health Insurance Company of China, Ltd.
· The Ping An Group is collectively referred to as the Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. and companies controlled by it, directly or indirectly, as well as companies in which Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. acts directly or indirectly as a single largest shareholder. 
· "PAH" refers to Ping An Health Insurance Company of China, Ltd. and affiliates relevant to its app services.
· "users" refers to people who use the relevant application (app) services of PAH.
· App services of PAH under the Agreement refer to products and services provided by PAH for users.

You are required to read the Registration Agreement carefully. The Agreement becomes a binding legal document after you click ‘Register’.

II. Privacy statement

1. Application scope
· When registering on the PAH app you need to provide your personal information as requested by the app.
· When using app services, joining app activities or visiting the app, the app will automatically receive and record your server data. This includes, but is not limited to, · website cookies and records you grant the app access to.
2. Use of information
· PAH will not sell or lend your personal information to anyone without your permission.
· To provide a better service to you, PAH may use your personal information to deliver services including, but not limited to, sending activity data and service information to you.
· PAH promises not to disclose your personal information (for example, your name, portrait, ID certificate or passport number, phone number and address) without legal processes.
3. Information disclosure
Your personal information will be disclosed partially or in full under the following conditions:
· To a third party with your permission;
· To the accused at his or her request, if you have lodged a complaint against them for infringement on your Intellectual Property Rights;
· To a third party, administrative or judicial authorities in line with rules and laws;
· To a third party where you violate the relevant laws of the People’s Republic of China or website policies;
· To a third party for the purpose of providing products and services at your request; and Other appropriate disclosure approved by the app as per laws or app policies.
4. Information authorization
· You give permission to the Ping An Group, unless otherwise provided by law, to use any information provided by you to the Ping An Group and any information generated by services received by you from the Ping An Group (including any information provided and generated before signing this Agreement). This is in addition to any information obtained and collected by the Ping An Group under this clause for the purposes of provision of services, recommendation of products, market research, and data analysis on users by the Ping An Group and their partners.
· You give permission to the Ping An Group, unless otherwise provided by law, to provide, inquire or collect data to or from partners with which Ping An Group cooperates, for the purposes of providing better services and products to you.
· In order to ensure security of your information, the Ping An Group and its partners must keep such information confidential, and take measures to ensure security of such information.
· This clause will take effect upon the signing of this Agreement and will carry legal effect on its own, regardless of whether or not the contract is signed or any change(s) are made to its legal effect. 
· If you disagree with the information above, partially or totally, you may call our customer service hotline on <insert number> to cancel or change consent.
5. Rules for users
Users must:
· Register and use usernames in line with laws and rules of the People’s Republic of China. 
· Not use controversial words in their usernames, including threats, obscenity, abuse, illegality and expressions that may cause harm.
· Secure their accounts and passwords after successful registration. The member will be responsible for any loss resulting from negligence in handling the account. 
· Not steal accounts. They will be held responsible for any consequence from unauthorized use of the accounts of others.
6. Policy revision
· PAH reserves the right to revise this document at any time.
· The Privacy Statement is a part of the Registration Agreement. Users must read it carefully.

III. Confirmation and acceptance of service terms

1. Ownership and operations rights of app's services belong to PAH. You must agree with all the terms of the Registration Agreement and finish the registration procedure before becoming an official app user. You confirm that the terms of the Agreement are the basis for dealing with the rights and obligations of the two parties and remain effective unless they are in conflict with mandatory provisions or special agreement.
2. When clicking to agree with the Agreement, you confirm that you have the faculties and rights to conduct activities such as accessing app services and placing orders, and bear legal responsibilities for your actions.
3. If you are under 18 years of age, you must use the app under supervision of your parents or guardians.
4. PAH reserves the right to refuse services, cancel accounts, and delete or edit contents or cancel orders within the scope allowed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

IV. App services of PAH

PAH provides app services in line with existing technologies and conditions. PAH will try its best to serve you and ensure consistency and security of services. PAH however, cannot forecast and prevent legal, technical and other risks at any time, including but not limited to force majeure; viruses; Trojan programs; unstable systems; and defects of third-party services and government behaviors that may cause service interruptions, data losses and other losses and risks.

V. Expenses that users are responsible for

1. Internet-browsing devices, including but not limited to mobile phones, computers or other internet-access terminals, and other necessary internet devices.
2. Internet- browsing expenses, including but not limited to internet-access cost, rental for internet-devices and data expenses.

VI. Obligations of users

The Agreement is drafted in line with the rules of the People’s Republic of China.
You agree to the following: 
1. You will not circulate or publish information which breaks the laws in the Constitution and administrative rules; comments that instigate subversion of state power and the socialist system; words that split the country and undermine national unity; and speeches that incite national hatred and ethnic discrimination or undermine national unity;
2. You will abide by relevant laws and rules of the People’s Republic of China when transferring documents and information from the People’s Republic of China to other countries;
3. You will not use the app to conduct illegal activities such as money laundering or stealing of trade secrets;
4. You will not interfere with the app's normal operations and hack into the app or national computer information systems;
5. You will not circulate or publish any information that is illegal, disturbing, malicious, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or uncivilized;
6. You will not circulate or publish information or comments that damage national and social interests or that which is relevant to national security;
7. You will not instigate others to carry out conducts forbidden by law;
8. You will not publish any content that infringe others' Intellectual Property Rights or legal rights such as copyrights and trademarks; You will pay attention to and abide by rules and provisions published each time they are revised. The app reserves the right to delete various illegal policies or untrue information without notice. Where you do not abide by the above rules, the app has the right to decide independently and suspend or close your account.  You bear legal responsibilities for your comments and behaviors online.

VII. Ownership and intellectual property rights

1. Once you accept this Agreement, it means you agree to transfer to PAH exclusively, and that PAH retains, the property rights of all information (including but not limited to customer comments, inquiries, and articles with various topics) in any form released through the app, at any time.
2. Copyrights, including but not limited to reproduction, distribution, rental, exhibition, public performance, projection, broadcasting, communication through information network, production, adaption, translation, compilation, and other transferrable rights that the copyright holder has). You also agree that PAH is entitled to lodge a lawsuit against any entity committing infringement.
3. This Agreement constitutes a written agreement on transfer of such rights as copyrights as stipulated in Article 25 of Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant laws and regulations. The scope it covers include any works under the protection of copyrights released by you through PAH app, whether such contents are created before or after this Agreement is entered into.
4. You agree to and fully understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement, promising not to distribute the information released through this app in any form or authorize any other entities to use it in any form (including but not limited to various websites or media).
5. PAH is the producer of this app, owning such legitimate rights as copyrights to the contents and resources of this app, and is under the protection of state laws. It has rights to revise this Agreement and the contents of this app at times, and publish them without notice. Within the maximum scope as permitted by the law, PAH owns the interpretation rights to the contents of this app.
6. Except otherwise specified by any mandatory rules, no units or individuals may illegally copy, reprint, quote, link to or capture any or part of the information of this app, in any means or use the information in other means. PAH has the right to hold you accountable for these actions.
7. The information (such as words, graphics, marks, button icons, images, sound clips, digital downloads, data-editing and software) published through the app, are all property of PAH or the content provider, which is under the protection of copyright laws of the People’s Republic of China and the international community. Compilation of all content on the app is PAH’s exclusive property, under the protection of copyright laws of the People’s Republic of China and the international community. All software of this app is the property of PAH or its related-party companies or its software suppliers, under the protection of copyright laws of the People’s Republic of China and international community.

VIII. Limitation of liability and no commitment on warranties

1. Unless otherwise specified in written form, all information, content, materials, products (including software) and services are provided “as is” by this app (what is included in the app, or through the app by other means). Unless otherwise specified in written form, PAH does not make any explicit or implicit guarantees or representations (except otherwise stipulated by laws of the People’s Republic of China) in any form regarding the operation of this app, and the information, contents, materials, products (including software) or services included in the app.
2. As to all information, content, materials, products (including software) and services included in the app or provided through the app by other means,  and emails and information sent by its server or through the app, PAH doesn’t guarantee they are free of viruses or any other harmful elements. If online transactions fail or the relevant information and records go missing as a result of the breakdown or failure of the sales system of the app due to force majeure (unforeseeable circumstances) or any other reasons beyond control of the app, PAH will make reasonable efforts to assist in dealing with the consequences.
3. The contents (words, pictures, videos and audio) of the app are all for the purpose of communicating valuable health information, and no guarantees will be made on the authenticity, logic and accuracy of them in any form.

IX. Revision of terms and conditions

According to the changes of the state laws and regulations, and the needs of network operation, PAH is entitled to revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement at times, and the revised agreement will take effect immediately after being published through the app and take the place of the previous one. Users may log in to check the latest agreement at any time; and users have the obligation to pay attention to and read the latest agreement and announcements on this app. If any user doesn’t agree to the updated agreement, he or she may immediately stop the services provided by PAH in accordance with this Agreement; if the user continues to use the services provided by this app, he or she will be regarded as agreeing to the updated agreement.
PAH suggests you read this Agreement and the announcement before using this app. If any clause in this Agreement is regarded as removed, invalid or unenforceable due to any reason, this clause must be regarded as separate, and it will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining clauses.

X. Governing laws and application

For this agreement, its formation, implementation, interpretation, and settlement of the disputes will be governed by relevant laws (excluding the rule of conflict of laws) in the People’s Republic of China. In the event that this Agreement conflicts with applicable laws, the clauses involved will be re-interpreted in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, without affecting the effectiveness of other valid clauses.
If the contractual parties enter any dispute over the contents of this Agreement or its implementation, both sides need to make reasonable efforts to resolve the dispute through friendly consultation. If no settlement is reached through consultation, either side may lodge a lawsuit with a relevant court with jurisdiction in the People’s Republic of China.

XI. Reminder about sensitive personal information

Some personal information might be regarded as sensitive personal information, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information. Compared with other personal information, sensitive personal information should be protected in a stricter manner.
Please note that the contents and information (such as information related to your health) provided, uploaded or released during our service process may be leaked.
You agree that PAH handles your sensitive personal information in line with the Privacy Policy.

XII Others

1. PAH app’s owner refers to the operating entity of PAH that is licensed by or filed with the government authorities.
2. PAH respects legitimate rights of users and consumers. This agreement and all rules, statements and other content released through the app are all aimed at providing better and more convenient services for users. Comments and suggestions from users are welcome.
3. Registering for this app means users fully accept this Agreement. Before clicking for registration, please confirm again that you have read and fully understand all contents of this Agreement.